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Time Boss PRO Time Boss PRO 3.14.000 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Архивы
Каталог - Архивы - T - TI
 Имя файла: Найти похожие »
 Размер: 1 748 681 байт (1.67 MБ)
 Добавлен: 19/10/2011 | Закачан: 01/12/2018
 Обновился: 01/12/2018
 86 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот Time Boss PROTime Boss PRO is a network edition of universal parental control software.

System administrators will benefit from its clear report system and such features as indication of remaining time, adjusting warning messages, allowed and forbidden software and many more. Considering its price and functionality, Time Boss PRO is an ideally balanced solution for home and business use.

With Time Boss you can be sure your children do not spend too much time playing games, and your employees aren’t busy with activities, which are not related to their work.

There are over ten parental control programs. What makes every release of Time Boss a piece of best news for those, who are in charge of computer administration either at home or in the office?

1. Time Boss uses only the official insuperable system built-in protection capabilities without creating spyware modules or littering disks and the registry. Thats why it doesn't reduce the working speed of other programs.
3. Time Boss offers a widest range of adjusted useful functions with flexible settings.
4. Time Boss works stable and friendly with all programs, including antivirus and antispyware.
5. Time Boss is completely crackproof, Subordinate users can't change TimeBoss settings or uninstall the program, even in Safemode. It can be done only from password protected Time Boss administration panel.
7. You can use one registration on THREE PCs in your home local network! one-time payment with NO HIDDEN COSTS OR ANNUAL CHARGES
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Изменения в последней версии:
Improved the system time zone protection, added the new diagram of day

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