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Advanced SystemCare Advanced SystemCare 5.4.0 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - A - AS
 Имя файла: asc-setup.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 29 695 744 байт (28.32 MБ)
 Добавлен: 23/08/2012 | Закачан: 11/05/2018
 Обновился: 11/05/2018
 75 149 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот Advanced SystemCareFree registry repair and cleaner - Advanced SystemCare Free 5. What does it help? Slow down, freeze, crash and security threats are over. Advanced SystemCare Free is a comprehensive PC care utility that takes an one-click approach to help protect, repair and optimize your computer. Scanning and finding what other utilities miss, it can keep your PC error-free and smooth than ever. This fantastic program is available free of charge.

Why Advanced SystemCare Free?

New PC Performance - Do you remember the feeling of a brand new PC when you first bought it? Why not try Advanced SystemCare Free, a free PC tune-up utility that focuses on the performance of your PC.

Computer Crashes without Reason - Have you ever encountered your PC crashes and you even did not know why. After months or years of using your PC, there might be plenty of changes, which added burdens to your PC but never get cleaned. What Advanced SystemCare Free does is to clean the stuffs that are left over and clean craps to make your PC neat and clean.

Registry Repairing and Cleaning - As an elementary part to a PC, if it does not working well, then your computer will be in big trouble. What does Advanced SystemCare Free do? It cleans the records which is unnecessary to your PC but makes the PC running slow and produces troubles. It also repair parts that are missing and make the PC complete.

What's new in Advanced SystemCare 5?
+ New architecture and re-written source codes for 32bit/64bit system
+ New UI technology for quicker start and less resource usage
+ New ActiveBoost function for real-time optimization
+ New Cloud technology to keep database up-to-date
+ Improved UI design for better user experience
+ Improved Care module with more powerful clean and optimization functions
+ Improved Turbo Boost module with Work and Game mode
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Изменения в последней версии:
+ Added support for Windows 8 Release Preview
+ Improved user interface
+ Improved "Smart RAM", "Uninstaller" etc.
+ Updated multiple languages
+ Updated driver database and anti-malware database
* Fixed general bugs

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