SnagIt 11.1 
Категория: Программы - Графика - Захват Изображений
- Программы
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- SN
Имя файла:
snagit.exe Найти похожие
Размер: 306 194 176 байт
(292.01 MБ)
Добавлен: 29/06/2006
| Закачан: 09/12/2022
Обновился: 01/08/2019 Рейтинг:
19 236 всего закачек »
Предоставлено сайтом www.overclockers.ru/softnews/34864.shtml + http://samlab.ws/soft/snagit/
Snagit – The ultimate screen capture tool. Snagit gives you all the tools you need to create engaging images and videos. Snag any image and enhance it with effects or create a quick video of your computer screen with no time restrictions. Then share your creations instantly with anyone. With Snagit’s quick and easy screen capture process, you can snag anything—your entire desktop, a region, a window, or long webpages—all with a single click. Capture any image you want straight off your computer screen, and enhance with callouts, blur, and other effects to turn a simple screen shot into an eye-catching visual. Snagit lets you instantly show off your creations to anyone. With the Screencast.com output you can upload, manage, view and share all of your images and videos. Snagit also gives you the freedom to share to YouTube, your website, blog, or anywhere you like. With Snagit, it doesn't take much to explain a concept or an idea - your visuals do all the talking. And the more you use it, the more reasons you'll find to use it and love it! Полное описание »
Изменения в последней версии:
System audio recording, video COM support, new tool-bar look, bug fixes for Chrom URL capture, green ghosting, webcam activation, Firefox scrolling, DLL Preloading vulnerability
Материалы по теме:
SnagIt 11 SnagIt 8.2.3
http://download.techsmith.com/snagit/enu/snagit.exe Рейтинг: 4.4
Файл расположен на: http://download.techsmith.com
Для быстрой и надежной закачки используйте Download Master.
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