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XYplorer XYplorer 9.80.0000 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Архивы
Каталог - Архивы - X - XY
 Имя файла: Найти похожие »
 Размер: 4 687 111 байт (4.47 MБ)
 Добавлен: 13/09/2006 | Закачан: 09/06/2021
 Обновился: 09/06/2021
 2 453 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот XYplorerXYplorer is a portable multi-tabbed dual pane file manager featuring a powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and an array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name. Features: File search supporting Boolean logic, Regular Expressions, pattern matching, and binary string search. Multiple location search. Various sorts of file system reports (to clipboard, file, and printer). Export extended file informations of whole directories/trees to CSV-formatted files. Column Width Auto-Adjustment. Show folder sizes right in the file list. For each file and folder, the (real!) disk space used is immediately displayed. Browser-like history functionality. Can define favorite folders and drop on favorites. Can highlight (configurable colors) folders in treeview. A large suite of useful commands added to the standard file context menu, including Copy To, Move To, Copy Filename with Path, Copy File Properties, Copy Icon, Batch Rename. Icon-extraction, multifile time-stamping and attribute-stamping. Instant display of complete file information for each selected file. Thumbnails of image files right in the list view. Instant preview of image (all common formats), audio (incl. mp3, ogg, ape, musepack), and video files (displaying detailed media information). ID3-tag editing. Preview of installed and uninstalled font files. Instant file content view for all files (ASCII and binary), including ultra-fast text extraction from binaries. Full support for drag n drop and wheel mouse. Made to handle heavy-duty jobs. Easy to install, and easy to remove. Installing and running the program does not change your system or registry. Easy to use, start working in no time (interface similar to Explorer). Stand-alone, small, fast, and RAM-friendly.
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Изменения в последней версии:
See history

Материалы по теме:
XYplorer 13.90
XYplorer 12.70
XYplorer 12.00
XYplorer 10
XYplorer 9.90.1100
XYplorer 9.80

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4 RageWarRus.exe
5 ThePanicRoomRus...
6 LetsHuntRus.exe
7 SnoopySnailsRus...
8 Большой секрет ...
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