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Имя файла:
Aston Vista Extreme Edition.atz Найти похожие
Размер: 879 784 байт
(859.16 KБ)
Добавлен: 10/08/2006
| Закачан: 17/07/2014
4 919 всего закачек »
Автор: Ownerofway
Предоставлено сайтом themes.astonshell.com/
01.09.2006 - Astamp skin available [Link]
Note: This theme had a minor update on 13.08.2006 at 21:00 CET
The update include some bug fixes in zVolume plugin skin so I have to thank Zealot-6 for reporting and helping me in fixing those bugs.
OK This theme is still far from perfect but my dream came true :)
The only diference compared to previous theme is real Vista style button.
This was my desire eversince my first Vista port and Nick Egorov made this
great plugin VistaBTN and made it happen. Thanks Nick :)
Again thanks to Smanic and Butch123 and to guys from
Free Vista Style Icons for leting me use their icons.
Very Important :
To make this magic happen
1.Download VistaBTN plugin from plugins page
2.Unpack it to your Aston`s plugins folder
3.Load it and enable it.
4.And ofcourse use this theme and Aston 1.92 Полное описание »
[Некорректное описание. Сообщить модератору.]
http://themes.astonshell.com/theme.../Aston Vista Extreme Edition.atz Рейтинг: 5.0
Файл расположен на: http://themes.astonshell.com
Для быстрой и надежной закачки используйте Download Master.
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