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Winamp 5.51

21/12/2007, 18:16, Автор: admin

Новая версия популярного медиа-плеера Winamp. Как и ожидалось, новый выпуск программы исправляет огромное множество всевозможных ошибок предыдущей версии.

Безоговорочный лидер среди аудио-плееров, программа, название которой является синонимом слова MP3 уже многие годы. Отличное качество звучания, поддержка всех популярных медиа-форматов (в том числе и видео), интернет-радио и TV, риппинг и запись CD, плагины, скины… И все-все-все такое прочее.

Существует 3 версии. Кардинальные отличия: Lite — просто плеер; Full — пишет и риппает аудио-CD только на 8-ми скоростях; Pro — пишет и риппает аудио-CD на максимально возможной скорости.

Скачать Lite (2.73 MB - Freeware)
Скачать Full (8.35 MB - Freeware)
Скачать Pro (8.35 MB - Shareware)

Список изменений:
- New: Autoplay Handlers for Audio, MP3 and Video CD’s on WinXP & Vista
- New: Default Programs registration for installations on Windows Vista
- New: Optional Constant-Q Equalizer and optional ISO Standard frequency bands
- New: [in_flv] Flash Video decoder (vp6 only, not h.263)

- Improved: Browser download manager now uses CD Ripping destination folder
- Improved: Deletion of embedded album art via Artwork tab in File Info
- Improved: More accurately translated Language Packs
- Improved: More miscellaneous UI/dialog tweaks & improvements
- Improved: Option to set the number of pixels to scroll for modern songticker
- Improved: [Gracenote/MusicID] Better error checking & memory cache optimizations
- Improved: [gen_ff] More miscellaneous freeform skinning engine optimizations
- Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added optional WM_APPCOMMAND support for media keys
- Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added increase + decrease rating on current track
- Improved: [in_dshow] Reading of length and bitrate for non-default video formats
- Improved: [in_flac] Optimized disk caching for increased performance
- Improved: [in_mp3] Better optimization for older Pentium Pro/2/3 cpu’s
- Improved: [in_mp3] Support for reading ALBUM ARTIST field if TPE2 not present
- Improved: [in_mp4] Better Unicode support and metadata read optimizations
- Improved: [in_mp4] Optimized disk caching/reading
- Improved: [in_vorbis] Support for reading YEAR field if DATE not present
- Improved: [ml_disc/in_cdda] Disc reading tweaks and other general optimizations
- Improved: [ml_history] New tracking control options
- Improved: [ml_local] Added column for BPM
- Improved: [ml_local] Album column sorting order logic
- Improved: [ml_local] Better playlist handling
- Improved: [ml_local] Bumped track# metadata guessing limit from 130 to 999
- Improved: [ml_local] Database query and memory optimizations
- Improved: [ml_pmp] Support for drag&drop from Explorer into portable device view
- Improved: [ml_transcode] Prompt to delete aborted transcodes

- Fixed: Artwork not found if .nfo filename contains a period
- Fixed: ASX Parser converting all stream links in .asx playlists to upper case
- Fixed: Classic songticker wraparound glitchiness
- Fixed: Dragging/scrolling of songticker text after resize
- Fixed: Global Hotkeys list destroyed when changing language packs
- Fixed: Gracenote CDDB Editor genre selection glitches
- Fixed: Gracenote/MusicID not using Winamp’s proxy setting
- Fixed: Parsing of ansi ASX playlists containing non-standard characters
- Fixed: Restore from System Tray if previously closed in a minimized state
- Fixed: Setup resetting desktop icons :-o
- Fixed: Spectrum vis incompatibility crash with some 3rd-party input plugins
- Fixed: Truetype replacement font alignment in Winamp Modern winshade songticker
- Fixed: Various miscellaneous keyboard shortcut issues
- Fixed: Winamp Agent registry entry typo (wianmpa.exe)
- Fixed: [Bento] Collapse/Expand Playlist not respecting ‘Show Album Art’ setting
- Fixed: [gen_ff] Potential high CPU usage of songticker object
- Fixed: [gen_ff] TrueType replacement font change not updating in real-time
- Fixed: [gen_hotkeys] Restore from minimized state whilst About dialog is open
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Blank ML when restarting Winamp from a minimized state
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Cancelling Online Media password prompt clears password & filters
- Fixed: [in_dshow] Miscalculation of some mpeg video lengths
- Fixed: [in_flac] Divide-by-zero crash on corrupt files
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #’s
- Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 parsing crash with some mp3’s
- Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
- Fixed: [in_mp3] MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Now only reads first ID3v2 tag if more than one is present
- Fixed: [in_mp3] Winamp UI freezes when loading certain corrupt mp3’s
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Playback of mp3 in mp4 container
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Seeking when paused
- Fixed: [in_mp4/jpeg.w5s] Crash when Art field is in metadata with no embedded art
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] UTF8->UTF16 optimized (fixes File Info delay bug)
- Fixed: [libmp4v2] Corrupt m4a’s not playing, better handling of ones beyond repair
- Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash when track isn’t part of a disc, eg. internet-only releases
- Fixed: [ml_autotag] Stops processing when switching to another ml view
- Fixed: [ml_disc] CD view/titles not refreshing when ejecting old/inserting new CD
- Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using invalid strings in playlist filename generation
- Fixed: [ml_disc] No Burn button under some system configurations
- Fixed: [ml_disc/ml_pmp/ml_transcode] Processing of # in Destination Folder path
- Fixed: [ml_local] Artist column in descending order when sorting by Year
- Fixed: [ml_local] Down key in Search field not focusing the Simple View list
- Fixed: [ml_local] Last Updated, Album Gain & Podcast column sorting orders
- Fixed: [ml_local] Two filters always checkmarked in Edit View for Simple views
- Fixed: [ml_playlists] Shift+Enter hotkey to Enqueue playlist
- Fixed: [ml_plg] Crash when stopping Playlist Generator scan or resetting database
- Fixed: [ml_pmp] Column sorting orders
- Fixed: [ml_rg] Restore from minimized state whilst rg results dialog is open
- Fixed: [ml_transcode] Restore from minimized state whilst config dialog is open
- Fixed: [ml_wire] Podcasts not being downloaded if
- Fixed: [ml_wire] Lockup when encountering scripts in field
- Fixed: [out_disk] Output folder always resetting to My DocumentsMy Music
- Fixed: [pmp_ipod] ‘Add album art’ option always checkmarked
- Fixed: [tataki] Potential crash when encountering an invalid/superficial error
- Fixed: [vis_milk2] Crash when exiting fullscreen back to attached Modern skin window

- Misc: Alt+3 Auto-Tag now saves Gracenote FileId and ExtData fields
- Misc: Double-click Stereo indicator to open Playback prefs (Bento & Modern skins)
- Misc: Installation is now prevented on Win9x
- Misc: Made Milkdrop2 the default vis plugin
- Misc: Split the Playback prefs into 3 tabs: Playback, Equalizer & Replay Gain
- Misc: Various installer setup & localization translation tweaks
- Misc: Various Bento skin fixes, tweaks and improvements
- Misc: Various Winamp Modern skin 5.5-related updates
- Misc: [ml_local] Removed deprecated ‘Show album gain values’ option in Prefs

- Updated: Bento skin #117
- Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5.1
- Updated: libpng 1.2.22
- Updated: [vis_milk2] MilkDrop 2.0c плеер, аудио, музыка, видео, mp3
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Материалы по теме:
Winamp 5.66
Winamp 5.65
Winamp 5.64
Winamp 5.63
Winamp 5.623
Winamp 5.622
Winamp 5.62

Всего комментариев: 1
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23/12/2007, 16:34 RTP

AIMP2 лучше!!!

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